Words from the Master - Jesus Christ

Who is Jesus?

Profile of Your Holy Christ Self
Enter, then, your Holy Christ Self. Surely your Holy Christ Self is your mentor, is your Guru. But not all of you have an open channel of communication, much less an ongoing conversation with your Holy Christ Self. You need to cultivate this communication every day of your life. Yes, your Holy Christ Self may be your Guru. But if you do not obey your Holy Christ Self because you do not listen to him with the humility in which he speaks to you, then how can he bring you to the level of your Christhood? Did you know that your Holy Christ Self is a special person with a very special profile? Indeed, your Holy Christ Self is unique. Many of you who have caught glimpses of him have already begun to take on his distinctive patterns.

Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 40, No. 35, August 31, 1997


Second Coming of the Christ
Your Holy Christ SelfThis is why the Second Coming of Christ is an apocalyptic event, beloved. For in the First Coming [of the avatar of the age] the opportunity to choose to be or not to be is given: to embrace the Light or not to embrace it. And two thousand years, beloved, [and, in truth, many aeons prior to my Advent] were given to all inhabitants of these several worlds to choose to be in Christ the fullness of everlasting life and the fountain of youth and of resurrection's flame to all.

Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 32, No. 60, December 10, 1989

Gift of Healing
Beloved, my promise of healing is unto you. Therefore, I shall release this day through my Messenger a healing ray to you individually; and as you have prepared, as you have called, as you have allowed it, so it shall be unto you. Each one shall receive that for which he is prepared and each one may pray to me that supreme request that is most important to his soul and heart. The healing you receive, beloved, shall be the healing that you allow and that for which you have prepared in all diligence. May it be unto you according to thy word, according to thy faith, according to thy hope, according to thy charity, according to thy discipleship.

Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 31, No. 48, August 6, 1988

The "I AM He" Affirmation
Thus, there is an understanding of working with the Great White Brotherhood, of the cooperation and the co measurement, as Above and so below -- the realization where you are that "I AM He!" And this affirmation, "I AM He!" is the affirmation of Christ in you and the declaration that the true "I" within you is that Christ. This is the razor’s edge of awareness of the divinity within the human. The human can never affirm, "I AM He." But then the soul merged with the Divine is no longer conscious whether of the human or the Divine, but merely conscious of the "I". And when the I AM THAT I AM becomes the "I" within you and you are not compartmentalizing yourself into the subconscious or the ego or the libido or the id or whatever titles and names you wish to designate, including the four lower bodies --when you see yourself as a divine wholeness and a shaft of Light interpenetrating the octaves, there will no longer be heaven or hell or up or down or earth or sea or sky. There will only be the pulsating Flame -- and it will be You, it will be I, it will be the Universal One, beloved hearts.

Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 28, No. 23, June 9, 1985

Words from Mother Mary

Who is Mother Mary?Make Friends with Jesus
It is your soul’s longing for the true companionship of Christ, the friend of your life. Make friends with him, I say, as you have never done before. When you hold his hand, clasp it tight. And do not wait for him to clasp yours tighter. Therefore, understand that there must be a will in the grasp and a determination to hang on and to go where he goes, wherever he may take you.

Mother Mary
Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 26, No. 28, July 10, 1983

Hail Ma-Ray
It is your soul’s longing for the true companionship of Christ, the friend of your life. Make friends with him, I say, as you have never done before. When you hold his hand, clasp it tight. And do not wait for him to clasp yours tighter. Therefore, understand that there must be a will in the grasp and a determination to hang on and to go where he goes, wherever he may take you.
Mother Mary
Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 26, No. 28, July 10, 1983

Triangle of Idolatry
The Messenger has given you the teaching on the triangle of idolatry of the Mother, fear of the Mother and hatred of the Mother. This triangle can be overcome swiftly by your adoration of the Trinity. The Trinity, therefore, gives the empowerment of the will, the wisdom and the love of God. Seek that empowerment and with it crush the serpent with the heel of your Christhood!
Mother Mary
Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 33, No. 48, December 9, 1990

Whirling Sun of Your I AM Presence
I, Mary, come to you to give you the understanding that this whirling sun of your I AM Presence is indeed the action that can impel the light upward in you as well as the light descending from your
I AM Presence. This whirling sun, then, is intended to establish the forcefield of Alpha and Omega with you in your I AM Presence, very available. AUM.
Mother Mary
Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 30, No. 39, September 27, 1987

Words from Saint Michael

The Age of Aquarius
Thus, call to me daily! Thus, invoke the violet flame daily! For when you call to me, I summon the Archangels and their legions (all of whom are under my command) and they respond with dispatch. We are here to balance the forces of life deep within the earth and on its surface. For we are laying the foundations of the age of Aquarius, and in Saint Germain's name we will do all in our power to make it a golden age! We are counting on the victory of the golden age!

Archangel Michael
Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 39, No. 38, September 22, 1996


Balance the Threefold Flame
I speak, then, of your Christhood. I speak of the living Christ within you, and I say: Develop that Christhood. Develop that Holy Christ Flame. Ere I come again to speak to you, I would see your three plumes in greater equilibrium if not completely balanced. When you balance your threefold flame (and that sacred fire of the Divine Mother is the fount of that flame), then you will begin to see the size of your flame increase to one-eighth, one-fourth, one-half inch. And, finally, imagine yourself having increased your threefold flame to the height of an inch!

Archangel Michael
Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 40, No. 24, June 15, 1997

Words from Saint Joseph

Who is Saint Joseph?Laying Foundation of Aquarius
I AM Saint Joseph. And though I come as the Hierarch of Aquarius, I am not done with Pisces! For I am determined to see a victory out of it all and, through you and this Messenger, the publishing abroad of the true teachings of Jesus Christ. For they are the foundation of Aquarius and Aquarius cannot rise without the self-knowledge of every man, woman and child upon this planet of his own Holy Christ Self and of the Son of God and of the I AM Presence and of the violet flame!

Saint Joseph
Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 35, No. 26, June 28, 1992

Holy Christ Self as Lamb of God
Your Holy Christ Self is indeed the Lamb of God. And as you allow this Christ to be “formed and re-formed in you” in the likeness of the Holy One of God, so you shall know the experience of the slaying of the Lamb and the attempt [of the fallen angels] to pierce to the very soul of your being in order to snuff out the candle of the living Christ in the earth.
Saint Joseph
Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 35, No. 26, June 28, 1992

Words from Saint Patrick

Who is Saint PatrickRealization of I AM THAT I AM
The I AM THAT I AM in you is the deliverer of the nations. And the only difference between you and the Messenger is that she has realized this I AM THAT I AM to the fullest as her own identity and identification with Elohim, as the means whereby heaven and earth meet where she is. It is the realization of the soul that “all in me is the I AM, and I AM THAT I AM.” And that oneness is the ability to charge in the name of the LORD. Blessed hearts, this is the true message, the true theology of the Aquarian age. Who will know it or understand it if only one does become it -- or two? Who will understand it unless multitudes of sons and daughters of God walk the earth clothed upon fully in their Holy Christ Self?

Saint Patrick
Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 28, No. 16, April 21, 1985

Second Advent is Now
My brother, my sister, the proof of the Second Advent is that the LORD lives in you. The LORD is come to you in this hour by the very Word and message of Jesus Christ and the saints and the apostles and the disciples whom he made his friends. By his love ye are born again, and that love is present in this hour in the person of the Word incarnate in the Lamb of God. Him I declare unto you. Her I declare unto you. Lo, this is the new age!

Saint Patrick
Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 23, No. 44, November 2, 1980

Words from John the Baptist

Who is John the Baptist?Proof of the Second Advent
My brother, my sister, the proof of the Second Advent is that the LORD lives in you. The LORD is come to you in this hour by the very Word and message of Jesus Christ and the saints and the apostles and the disciples whom he made his friends. By his love ye are born again, and that love is present in this hour in the person of the Word incarnate in the Lamb of God. Him I declare unto you. Her I declare unto you. Lo, this is the new age!

John the Baptist
Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 23, No. 44, November 2, 1980

The Way of the Christed Ones

Had they not come out to be baptized, had they not been drawn into the flame of the Holy Spirit, the mission of the Christed One should not have been fulfilled. Understand that the forerunners of the race, the avant-garde of each dispensation, are those who come out to make themselves a separate people chosen of God. They separate their ways from the ways of the world, for they have heard the word of the Lord “My ways are not your ways.” Those who separate themselves a chosen people see to it that the way of the flow of the energy of the Mother within comes into conformity with the way of the flow of the energy of God.

John the Baptist
Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 19, No. 22, May 30, 1976

Words from John the Beloved

Who is John the Beloved? Let us remember the Knight Commander.* Let us remember what the Knight Commander stands for. He stands for the raising up of the golden age of Aquarius. He is here to raise up a golden-age civilization, to establish it first in South America and then throughout the hemisphere. He journeys to the nations. He is tireless and he is always intense. And therefore, I ask you to give of yourself to him liberally and with joy.

John the Beloved
Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 40, No. 38, September 21, 1997

*Saint Germain is the Knight Commander and Hierarch of the Age of Aquarius.

Initiations of Sacred Heart of Jesus
Prepared by the initiations of Maitreya and the Teachings of Jesus Christ, you will 0understand that it is the weaving of the Sacred Heart that your beloved Mother Mary would teach you. The Sacred Heart of Jesus must become thine own. Whatever is necessary, the heart must grow and expand -- a chalice of fire prepared again and again for the next challenge that Christ would hurl through you to the world and that the world will most surely hurl back to you according to their rules and the games of treachery that they play.

John the Beloved
Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 29, No. 39, August 17, 1986

Note: The Pearls of Wisdom® are messages from the immortal saints and sages known as the Ascended Masters who have fulfilled their reason for being and attained union with God. Now, from the realms of spirit, they guide us on the spiritual path so that we, too, can realize our highest potential.