Who is the Maha Chohan?

The Maha ChohanThe Maha Chohan is the representative of the Holy Spirit. The one who holds this office in hierarchy represents the Holy Spirit of the Father-Mother God, of Alpha and Omega, to the evolutions of this planet and to the elemental kingdom. The retreat of the Maha Chohan, the Temple of Comfort, is located on the etheric plane with a focus in the physical at the island of Sri Lanka, where the flame of the Holy Spirit and the flame of Comfort are anchored.

The Maha Chohan ministers to every person on earth as we enter this world and as we exit it. At the moment of that birth, he is present to breathe the breath of life into the body and to ignite the threefold flame that is lowered into manifestation in the secret chamber of the heart. The Maha Chohan also attends at the transition called death, when he comes to withdraw the flame of life and to withdraw the holy breath. His twin flame is Pallas Athena, Goddess of Truth.

Words from the Master - The Maha Chohan »

Adapted from The Masters and Their Retreats